Mockingbird Management

Mockingbird Management, LLC

220 N. Pearl St.
Belton, TX 76513


Mockingbird Management - Rental Application Packet

If you are done filling out the forms, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.
If you are done filling out the forms, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • 1 Application Acknowledgment

    Application Acknowledgment

    Thank you for your interest in our properties! Please note the following about the application process. All submitted applications will be processed according to the properties Resident Selection Policy.

    I, the undersigned, understand and agree that my application for an apartment with a property shall remain active only for a period of one year.

    I understand that I must show a renewed interest in my application every ninety days by:

    • Notifying a property in writing or in person that I continue to be interested in obtaining housing within 90 days.
    • Providing a property with information regarding my circumstances such as changes in household members, income, telephone numbers etc., as they change. Failure to do so will result in my application being removed from the waiting list.
    I further agree and understand that if I am not housed prior to the aforementioned date and I fail to advise the property of my continued interest, in order to keep my application from expiring that said application will be removed from the waiting list. A copy of the Tenant Grievance and Appeals Procedure has been provided.

    Note: When your name comes to the top of the waiting list, we will notify you. Until that time comes, it is your responsibility to keep in touch with this office according to the directions above.

    The following must be provided/attached at time of submission. Application not having the following information will be considered incomplete and will not receive priority placement.
    • A separate application for each household member 18 years of age or older.
    • 2 verifiable rental/residential references. If no references are available, provide at least 2-character references for non-family members of the community. This should be entered into the landlord fields and must include your current residence.
    • Identification:
      • Current picture identification (ID) or Driver’s License (DL)
      • Social Security cards for all household members
      • Birth Certificate for all household members under the age of 18 years
    Security deposit is equal to one month’s basic rent 
    Key deposit $35.00

    Please sign your name below



  • 2 Rental Application
    Please click here to download a printable version of the Mockingbird Management - Rental Application and fill out manually

    Rental Application

    Complete with no empty spaces, unanswered questions, signed and dated. DO NOT answer questions with “N/A”, answer with “NONE” instead.

    About You

    Property Name
    Are you
    Applicant's Full Name
    Present Address
    Present Address (Line 2)
    Phone Number (Home)
    Phone Number (Cell)
    Email Address
    Driver's License or Identification Number
    Social Security Number
    Date of Birth
    Marital Status
    Current Landlord
    Landlord Contact Number
    How long have you lived there?
    Current Monthly Rent
    Previous Landlord
    Address (Line 2)
    Landlord Contact Number
    How long have you lived there?
    Previous Monthly Rent
    Why are you moving?
    Are you currently attending any kind of school?
    Do you receive job related or other income?

    Your Co-Tenant or Spouse

    Note: Co-Tenants or Spouses are required to complete a separate rental application. Please input name and phone number only to link applications.
    Will there be a Co-Tenant or Spouse?
    Full Name
    Phone Number

    Other Occupants

    (Anyone other than spouse, that is 18 or older, must complete a separate application)
    Will there be Other Occupants?
    Does the tenant or co-tenants have legal custody of all minor children listed below?
    Do you or any occupant have a live-in attendant?
    Do you anticipate any changes in household size?
    (new members, birth of child, adoption, foster child, etc)
    Social Security Number
    Date of Birth
    Is Occupant a student?
    Social Security Numbers (SSN) must be provided for all household members except for: 1) Any member who does not contend eligible immigration status; 2) Individuals applying for HUD section 8 assistance who were age 62 or older and whose initial determination of HUD Section 8 rental assistance began before January 31, 2010. If you are eligible for this exemption #2, please tell us the name and address where you were receiving HUD Section 8 rental assistance.


    (List all vehicles, including motorcycles, RV, and trailers to be parked by you, your spouse or any occupants of the apartment.)
    Vehicle Type
    License No.


    What size unit are you requesting?
    Are you applying for a handicap accessible unit?
    Do you wish to claim the deduction available for handicap or disabled person?
    Do you wish to make any modifications to the apartment to accommodate a handicap or disability?
    Please describe the modifications


    In the case of emergency, please notify
    Relationship to Applicant
    Address (Line 2)
    Daytime phone number
    Evening phone number
    Is the above named person authorized to take possession of your property?
    In the case of serious illness, death or disappearance
    Is the apartment property authorized to return any monies (rent or security deposit) due to the resident to the above named person?
    In the case of serious illness, death or disappearance
    Other instructions

    General Information

    Do you have a pet?
    Are all household members citizens of the United States of America?
    Is that person a qualified resident alien as defined by law?
    If any member is not a United States citizen
    Have you or anyone in your household (adult or juvenile) ever been convicted of, pled no contest to, or entered a guilty plea, to any criminal offense other than minor traffic violations?
    Please describe the offense
    Have you or anyone in your household ever lived at this apartment property?
    Do you or anyone in your household use a controlled substance (drugs)?
    Have you or anyone in your household ever:
    Broken an apartment lease?
    Been requested to vacate an apartment?
    Been evicted or sued for non-payment of rent?
    Been evicted or sued for damage to rental property?
    Received deferred adjudication for a felony?
    Been convicted of a felony?
    Been arrested and convicted as a sex offender?
    Have you given notice to your present landlord of your intent to move?
    How did you hear about us?
    (Newspaper ad, Internet, Friend, etc.)
    Is any member of the household a veteran?
    Are you seeking housing because you have been displaced by a Presidentially declared disaster?
    Do you have a Letter of Priority Entitlement (LOPE)?

    Student Status

    USDA requirements (determines eligibility for housing)
    Will any tenant or co-tenant attend an institution of higher learning in the coming year?
    Has the student established a separate household from parents for at least one year prior to occupancy?
    Is the student claimed as a dependent on their parent's tax return?
    Is the student financially independent from their parents?

    LIHTC requirements

    (determines eligibility for housing)
    Has any tenant or co-tenant in the household attended school full-time for at least 5 months in the prior year?
    Does any tenant or co-tenant in the household intend to go to school full-time in the coming year?
    Name of Full-time Student
    NOTE: Households where all of the members are full-time students are not eligible unless they meet one of the exemptions:
    Are all adult members of the household married and file a joint income tax return?
    Does the household receive assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act?
    (i.e. AFDC/TANF)
    If you have children, do you claim them on your federal income tax return?
    Has any member of the household received assistance under the Job Training Partnership Act or similar federal or state law?
    Has any member of the household previously enrolled in a foster care program?


    Credit Reference #1
    Phone Number
    Account #
    Credit Reference #2
    Phone Number
    Account #

    Asset & Income Questionnaire

    The information on this form is authorized to be collected by USDA Rural Housing Service to determine an applicant's eligibility and the amount the tenant must pay toward rent and utilities. This information may be released to appropriate Federal and State agencies. However, this Information will not otherwise be released, except as permitted or required by law. Failure to disclose certain items of information requested may result in a delay in the processing of an application or its rejection.


    Does any member of your household have a job?
    Include wages, salary, overtime pay, military pay, commissions, fees,  tips, bonuses, etc
    Household Member Name
    Gross Monthly Wages
    Employer Name
    Employer Phone Number
    Employer Address
    Does any member of your household own a business or rental property?
    Name of Business
    Type of Business
    Years of Ownership
    Monthly Profit
    Does any member of your household receive payments or benefits from Social Security, SSI, annuities, veterans benefits, retirement funds, pensions, insurance policies, etc?
    Household Member Name
    SS, Veterans, etc.
    Monthly Income
    Does any member of your household receive unemployment, disability, death benefits, workers compensation payments, public assistance/TANF, etc?
    Household Member Name
    Unemployment, workers comp, etc
    Monthly Income
    Does any member of your household receive alimony, child support or regularly recurring contributions from someone not residing in the dwelling?
    Household Member Name
    Amount you are entitled to receive
    Gross Amount received monthly
    Does any member of your household receive interest or dividend income?
    Household Member Name
    Monthly Income
    List all other household income. (Include severance pay, education grants, scholarships, etc.)
    Household Member Name
    Monthly Income
    Total Monthly Income
    Total Annual Income expected for the next 12 months


    Total Cash on Hand for all members of the family
    Does any member of your household have a bank account?
    checking, savings, etc
    Account Holder
    Bank Name
    Bank Address
    City, State, Zip
    Interest Rate
    Account Number
    Avg 6 month Balance
    Does any member of your household have Direct Express Card or any other type of debit card that receives a monthly deposit?
    Account Holder
    Account Number
    Does any member of your household own stocks, bonds, IRA, 401K, CD or retirement account?
    Account Holder
    Financial Institution Name
    Financial Institution Address
    City, State, Zip
    Account Number
    Current Value
    Does any member of your household have a life insurance policy that has cash value?
    Household Member Name
    Policy #
    Cash Value
    Term, whole life, etc
    Does any member of your household have personal property held as an investment?
    gem & coin collections, antique autos, art, etc.
    Current Value
    Does any member of your household own any property?
    Household member name
    Location of property
    Appraised Value
    Outstanding Mortgage
    Has any member of your household sold or given away any assets in the last two (2) years?
    Household member name
    Description of property
    Market value or appraised value
    Amount of Sale
    Have you or any household member received any lump sum payments, such as lottery winnings, inheritance or insurance settlements?
    Does any member of your household own any assets not listed above?


    Child Care

    To enable a household member to be employed or attend school, does anyone in your household pay for childcare services?
    Household Member Name

    Medical Expense

    (Complete this section when the Tenant or Co-Tenant is at least 62 years old, or handicapped or disabled.)
    Does your household pay medical expenses that are not covered by insurance?
    If the answer is yes, you may be eligible for a reduction in your monthly rent payment. Please submit to the property manager the information necessary to document the amount of un-reimbursed medical expenses you expect to pay in the next 12 months.

    Please list all states in which any and all occupants have ever resided

    Other Applicant
    Are you or any member of your household subject to a lifetime sex offender registration of any state?
    Please list below

    If any member of the household is subject to a lifetime sex offender registration, you will be given the opportunity to permanently remove the individual from the household and, if such person is not permanently removed and barred from the property, you will not be allowed to occupy an apartment. 

    If you or any occupant of the household falsifies any information or otherwise fails to disclose criminal history in this application or in any recertification forms, then your occupancy shall terminate and you shall be evicted. 


    Are you or any member of your household coming from a domestic violence or stalking situation?
    If you otherwise qualify for housing and/or assistance at this community, you cannot be denied admission or denied assistance because you are or have been subject to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. If you want more information regarding VAWA protections please request a copy of the "Notice of Occupancy Rights Under the Violence Against Women Act" from the leasing office.

    Census Information

    (Optional) The information regarding race, national origin, and sex designation solicited on this application is requested in order to assure the Federal Government, acting through the Rural Development/USDA, that Federal Laws prohibiting discrimination against tenant applicants on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, age and handicap are compiled with.

    You are not required to furnish this information, but are encouraged to do so. This information will not be used in evaluating your application or to discriminate against you in any way. However, if you choose not to furnish it, the owner is required to note the race, national origin and sex of an individual applicant on the basis of visual observation or surname.

    Adult Applicant #1


    Adult Applicant #2


    Identification Documentation

    Please upload the following information:
    • Current picture identification (ID) or Driver’s License (DL) for applicant
    • Social Security cards for all household members
    • Birth Certificate for all household members under the age of 18 years
    Identification Documentation Upload

    Certification and Signatures

    (All Adults in household must sign application.)
    All statements contained in this application are true and correct. I authorize the owner or its representatives to contact any person to verify any Information contained herein. In the event that information given above is discovered to have been false or incomplete, the applicant understands that their application may be rejected or they may lose any subsidy that the Federal Government pays and have their rent increased and be sued for eviction. The Applicant also certifies that the unit applied for will be the Applicant's Household's permanent residence and it does/will not maintain a separate subsidized rental unit in a different location.

    Signing this acknowledgment indicates that you have had the opportunity to review the landlord's tenant selection criteria. The tenant selection criteria may include factors such as criminal history, credit history, current income, and rental history. If you do not meet the selection criteria, or if you provided inaccurate or incomplete information, your application may be rejected and your application fee will not be refunded.

    PENALTIES FORM MAKING FALSE STATEMENTS: Title 18, Section 1001 of the U.S. Code states that a person is guilty of a felony for knowingly and willingly making false or fraudlent statements to any department of the United States Government. HUD and any owner (or any employee of HUD or the owner) may be subject to penalties for unauthorized disclosures or improper use of information collected based on the consent form. Use of the information collected based on this verification form is restricted to the purposes cited above.

    Any person, who knowingly or willingly requests, obtains or discloses any information under false pretenses concerning an applicant or participant may be subject to a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000. Any applicant or participant affected by negligent disclosure of information may bring civil action for damages, and seek other relief, as may be appropriate, against the officer or employee of HUD or the owner responsible for the unauthorized disclosure or improper use. Penalty provisions for misusing the social security numbers are contained in the Social Security Act at 208 (a) (6), (7) and (8). Violation of these provisions are cited as violations of 42 U.S.C. 408 (a) (6), (7) and (8).

    FAIR HOUSING STATEMENT: This community is committed to complying with Federal, State & local fair housing laws by ensuring that all persons have an equal opportunity to apply for admission to housing and access to all amenities and activities that we administer regardless of the their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability.
    Signature of Co-Applicant

    Please sign your name below



  • 3 Authorization for Release of Information

    Authorization for Release of Information

    I/We authorize and direct any Federal, State or local agency, organizations, business, or individual to release to and verify any application for participation in USDA Rural Development, LIHTC, TDHCA and HOME in administering and enforcing program rules and policies. I also consent for USDA Rural Development, LIHTC, TDHCA and HOME to release information from my file about my rental history to Tenant Tracker, credit bureaus, collection agencies or future landlords. This includes records on my payment history and any violations of my lease or policies.


    I/We understand that depending on program policies and requirements, previous or current information regarding my/our household or me may be needed. Verifications and inquiries that may be requested include but are not limited to:
    • Identity and Marital Status
    •  Employment, Income, and Assets 
    • Medical or Child Care 
    • Credit and Criminal Activity 
    • Residential and Rental Activity


    The groups or individuals that may be asked to release the above information (depending on program requirements) include but are not limited to:
    • Previous Landlords (Including Housing Agencies)
    • Schools and Colleges
    • Law Enforcement Agencies Retirement Systems
    • Medical and Child Care Providers Credit Providers and Credit Bureaus
    • Past and Present Employers Welfare Agencies
    • State Unemployment Agencies Social Security Administration
    • Veterans Administration Support and Alimony Providers
    • Banks and other Financial Institutions


    I/We understand and agree the properties affordable programs may conduct computer matching programs to verify the information supplied for my application or recertification. If a computer match is done, I understand that I have a right to notification of any adverse information found and a chance to disprove incorrect information. These agencies may in the course of its duties exchange information with other Federal Agencies, Department of Defense, Office of Personnel Management, the U.S. Postal Service, the Social Security Agency, and State welfare and AFDC agencies.


    I/We agree that a photocopy of this authorization may be used for the purposes stated above. The original of the authorization is on file with the property and will stay in effect for one year and one month from the date signed. I understand I have a right to review my file and correct any information that I can prove incorrect.


    Head of Household
    Print Name
    Print Name
    Adult Member
    Print Name
  • 4 Attachments to the Application

    Attachments to the Application

    Applicant Signature
If you are done filling out the forms, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.
Equal Housing Opportunity
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer"
Mockingbird Management, LLC does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities.
Section 504 Coordinator: Candice George, 220 N. Pearl St. Belton, TX 76513 * T.D.D 1-800-735-2989
Handicap Accessible
0 / 222