Timber Ridge Apartments

96 Augusta Drive
Collinsville, AL 35961
(256) 524-3411

ARD Rural Development Rental Application

If you are done filling out the forms, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.
If you are done filling out the forms, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • 1 ARD - Rural Development Rental Application
    Please click here to download a printable version of the ARD - Rural Development Rental Application and fill out manually

    Rural Development Rental Application

    Name of the apartment complex you are applying for

    Applicant Information

    Applicant First Name / Tenant First Name
    Middle Initial
    Last Name
    Email Address
    Phone Number
    Applicant / Tenant Date of Birth
    Applicant / Tenant SSN
    Applicant / Tenant Driver License Number
    Marital Status
    Are you currently living in a RD property?
    Will you be applying for a $400.00 disability/elderly deduction?
    Will you need a Handicap Accessible Unit?
    Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
    Please explain
    Do you have any outstanding warrants or charges against you?
    Please explain
    Name of Co-Tenant
    Co-Tenant Date of Birth
    Co-Tenant SSN
    Co-Tenant Driver License Number

    Household Composition Information

    Name and Relationship of all other persons to occupy apartments. ** Do not include Tenant and Co-Tenant **
    Full Name
    (First, Middle Initial, Last)
    Relationship to Head of Household
    Social Security Number
    Date of Birth

    Resident History

    Current Address
    Current Landlord's Phone Number
    Current Rent
    Do you current Own or Rent your home
    Previous Residence
    Previous Residence Address
    Previous Residence City
    Previous Residence State
    Previous Residence Zip

    Employment Information

    Current Employer
    Employer's Address
    Supervisor's Name
    Supervisor's Phone Number
    How Long?
    State Date
    Gross Annual Income
    Spouse's Current Employer
    Spouse's Employer's Address
    Supervisor's Name
    Supervisor's Phone Number
    How Long?
    Start Date
    Gross Annual Income

    Other Income


    Banking and Credit References

    Please provide all bank accounts for all household members. Please list any monthly contract payments. E.g. Credit card payments, loan payments, etc.
    Bank Name
    Account Type
    Account Number
    Branch Address
    Creditor Name
    Account Type
    Monthly Balance
    Account Number
    Other Information
    Name of Vehicle (including Company Cars). Specify Trucks
    Tag Number
    State Registered In
    Personal References (Not Related)
    Phone Number
    In case of Personal Emergency, Notify
    Phone Number
    No Pets Allowed - (with the exception of designated elderly properties)
    20lbs limit
    How Many?
    Information for Government Monitoring Purposes
    Applicant's Consent to Information
    What is Applicant's Ethnicity?
    National Origin
    What is the Applicant's Race?
    What is the Applicant's Gender?
    Co-Applicant's Consent to Information
    What is the Co-Applicant's Gender?
    I hereby make application for an apartment and certify that this information is correct. I authorize you to contact any references that I have listed.  A credit report will be obtained on all applicants and a non-refundable charge for this service is required at time the signed Rental Application is submitted for
    eligibility determination.  A security deposit is required.  This is an application and gives NO lease or rental rights. The above information is needed to determine eligibility. After application is received, the applicant will be notified in writing within 10 days of date of application. If the applicant does not respond, the application will be withdrawn. After eligibility is determined and an apartment become available, the applicant will be contacted at his/her present telephone number noted on this application and be given 24 hours to respond.  If the applicant does not respond the application will be withdrawn.

    By signing this application, I hereby certify that the income reporting procedures for determining adjusted income have been explained to me by the management and that it has been made clear to me that adjusted income is derived from the total income of all members of the household.

    This will certify that only these mentioned in this application will occupy the premises, and that this housing is/will be my permanent residence. I also certify that I do/will not maintain a separate subsidized rental unit in a different location. This application and the contents thereof are considered part of my lease agreement. In consideration of the Owner’s Agent holding this apartment for me. I hereby waive all rights to the return of this deposit and forfeit as liquidated damages, in the event I do not choose to enter into the rental contract applied for herein. (Management reserves the right to refund the deposit of any applicant who is not approved.)

    Spouse's Signature

    Please sign your name below



  • 2 ARD - Personal Inquiry Waiver
    Please click here to download a printable version of the ARD - Personal Inquiry Waiver and fill out manually

    Personal Inquiry Waiver

    Applicant Information

    Applicant Name / Tenant Name
    (First, Middle Initial, Last)
    Email Address
    Phone Number
    To Whom It May Concern:

    I authorize you to furnish to the Management of ARD, Inc. Property Management any and all information, including that of a confidential or privileged nature, you may have concerning me. This includes work records, financial and credit status records, police records and other information requested.

    Intending to be legally bound hereby, I release you, your organization and others contacted from any liability or damage which may result from furnishing the information requested. Photostatic copies of this authorization carry the same authority as the original.

    Please sign your name below



If you are done filling out the forms, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.
Equal Housing Opportunity
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Handicap Accessible
0 / 97